We strongly believe that a websites success is hugely dependent on one thing and one thing only…how it’s perceived. The user needs something from your site…can they get it? How difficult is it to reach? Does it give them value? These should be every designers thoughts whilst planning a website. We do not allow a website to reach development stage unless it has passed our thorough tests that analyse such things. Peterborough and Local areas are still to be blessed with strategies that allow for this process…we consider ourselves specialists in this area and we want users to appreciate design for this more so.
So what is UX design?
The definition according to the Oxford Journal ‘Interacting with Computers’, the end goal of a great UX design, in all areas of business is to “improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction with a product.” In laymen’s terms…UX design is the approach to designing products that are easily interacted with and most of all easy to use.
Lets look at Experts take on this…
“If UX is the experience that a user has while interacting with your product, then UX Design is, by definition, the process by which we determine what that experience will be.
UX Design always happens. Whether it’s intentional or not, somebody makes the decisions about how the human and the product will interact. Good UX Design happens when we make these decisions in a way that understands and fulfils the needs of both our users and our business.”
Laura Klein
Principal at Users Know, Author of UX for Lean Startups
“User Experience Design (UXD or UED) is a design process whose sole objective is to design a system that offers a great experience to its users. Thus UXD embraces the theories of a number of disciplines such as user interface design, usability, accessibility, information architecture and Human Computer Interaction.
User Experience Design is practiced by User Experience Designers—who are particularly concerned with the interaction that occurs between users and the system they are using.
So for example a UX designer would take the principles that state how to make a product accessible, and actually embody those principles in the design process of a system so that a user that is interacting with it would find it as being accessible.”
Justin Mifsud
Founder of Usability Geek
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