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Online Archives - Digital/Design Agency Peterborough


  • Mobile websites in 2016

    Digital marketing…beautiful, frustrating, ruthless and something that is ever evolving. That is unless you have your fingers pressed firmly against

  • Mobile websites in 2016

    Branding that helps your business STAND OUT in a busy world. Talk to us about our creative services today:

  • Mold Branding

    Today we say happy 45th birthday to the Internet! And what better way to do it than embarrass it with

  • Happy 45th Birthday, Internet!

    Today is World Food Day, but there is still around 239 million people in Africa still without anything to eat.

  • World food day!

    Work-in-progress….putting together the finishing touches for @reallysocial’s new website 🙂 Looking forward to pushing this live and giving them a

  • Work in progress

    So a dislike button could finally be on the horizon, what do you think about that? Supposedly there was a

  • Facebook dislike

    Did you know it’s officially world smile day? And it’s Friday.. #feelinghappy  

  • World Smile day!

    Exciting day at Mold headquarters! Signage is going up to really make the office feel like home! If you require any

  • Mold Interior!

                Fantastic! In retrospect, it seems incredible no-one looked into this design earlier! Article here!

  • Genius design

    We were recently tasked with creating an engaging responsive brand and website for Commercial LED Solutions, we think the results speak for

  • Website and Branding project

    Ready to start a busy week at the office studio! Morning coffee to get us going, whats your Monday morning

  • Busy week ahead!

    Google have finally had some spare time to give their brand some attention…not that its needed!! “It’s been a long